Thursday, 31 March 2011

Diary of an Ex-Whore

A lot of people find their 'talents' late in life, most of them discover theirs in their late twenties & early thirties. I realised what my own 'talents' were a wee bit earlier.

I read a piece in a psychology journal about social learning/conditioning & how children acquire traits from their immediate environment. They had carried out an experiment on 2 sets of kids. Both sets had watched a man beat up an inflatable doll while shouting stuff like 'pow' & 'boom'. One set saw the model being rewarded for his actions while the second set saw him punished. Once they were left alone with the doll, the first set gleefully started acting out the same violent acts they had seen. The second set on the other hand was a bit cautious, they looked around a bit and made sure nobody saw them before they started pummeling the doll.

After reading this I started reflecting on my early childhood & realised that I was just another victim of social learning/conditioning. There's this particular christmas that comes to mind. I think I was about 5 years old, my mum & I were staying at my cousin's place for the holidays. Now my uncle & his friends were the most 'expressive' people I know. Whenever he & his wife invited guests over for dinner there would always be loads of hugs and kisses and 'light petting' (that's what they called it back then).

Being as was unaccustomed to such things I was instantly intrigued. My mum was a single mother who only had eyes for me & my grandparents were the classic igbo christian elderly couple so I had never experienced such affection before. Don't get me wrong, I always got hugs & the occasional kiss from my mum & grandma when I was declared a 'good boy' but it was nothing compared to these guys. I mean, they kissed themselves when they woke up, at the breakfast table, when welcoming friends & sometimes they got all tongue-tangling. I was like 'wow, this thing must be fun for them to do it all the time'.

So, one day I decided to find out for myself. They had invited their friends and their kids to christmas eve party & fortunately they all came with their kids who were all in my age bracket (between 4 & 7). Without much thought or planning my 4 year old cousin & I paired of with a set of really hot sisters, the older one was 6 ( that's how I started liking older babes) and the younger one was four.

As the night wore on, us kids gradually moved away from the adults who were busy drinking wine & watching fireworks displays on CNN. We played outside in the garden for a while & when the opportunity presented itself I struck. Can't remember how it started out but claire and I started kissing. Gentle innocent kisses at first with brief pauses to laugh at the silliness of it all. Then we looked on and saw my younger cousin actually tongue-ing her little sister. This sparked off the competitive side in me & soon enough we started tongue-ing as well.

Needless to say, that was the genesis of it all. My interest had been aroused & I had readily available teachers (my mum & aunts friends and their partners) and willing co-students (their kids). I went on this journey for a long time. Acquiring new study aids: novels, romantic movies, magazines, soft porn (all for research purposes only, I assure you). Learnt & perfected the art of seduction & deception (that's a different story altogether, we'll get to that soon enough) because it got harder to get willing 'lab-partners'.

Unlike other guys, I judged my success/progress based on the satisfaction of my lab partners. I studied the female anatomy like I was preparing for an examination. At age 12 I could find a clitoris with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back (yes, yes, u guessed right, I carpet-munch). At age 14 I considered myself a bad guy & thought the world was at my feet.......and then........the worst happened. Without any warning or preparation.........I .....fell........IN LOVE....(Sigh)

(End of Part 1)


  1. Lol! Diary of a whore! Sorry, Ex-whore! :-p This is like a new Tv Series to me! Can't wait for the next episode! *Thumbs Up* :-D
